Robert Merton on Planning for Retirement Income

Nobel laureate Robert C. Merton discusses the current retirement funding challenge, the SECURE Act in the US, and retirement income principles for plan sponsors and participants.

Recording Time Stamps
(07:21)     What is a Good Retirement?
(08:46)     Four Ways to Improve the Probability of a Good Retirement
(12:28)     An Integrated Approach to Funding Retirement
(28:35)     Lump Sum vs. Income Streams in Retirement
(36:35)     Five Ways to Make the SECURE Act Meet Participant Needs
(39:45)     Retirement Income vs. Wealth Accumulation
(41:55)     Correctly Measuring Risk
(52:31)     Strategies for A Smooth Transition to Post-Accumulation


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Robert C. Merton provides consulting services to Dimensional Fund Advisors LP. This content is distributed for informational purposes, and should not be considered investment advice or an offer, solicitation, recommendation, or endorsement of any particular security, products, or services. This material contains the opinions of the authors but not necessarily of Dimensional Fund Advisors LP. All expressions of opinion are subject to change.


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